We offer a full line of granite landscape products, from steps, to posts, to cobblestone, please see our inventory and pricing sheet for a complete list of granite products.
We Stock 3 Primary Lines of Granite.
Woodbury Granite. Quarried & fabricated in Vermont, is the traditional salt and pepper granite.
Caledonia Granite. Quarried & fabricated in Quebec, is a darker gray/brown granite with flecks of mica.
Salt and Pepper Granite. Quarried & fabricated in Quebec, is a traditional Salt and Pepper Granite with stronger accent lines of black and white quartz giving this stone more movement and character.
Each granite is fabricated from blocks at the quarries into:
Steps, Landings, Wall Cap, Tread Stock, Mantels, Hearths, Posts and Pavers.
All Fabricated Granite Will Meet These General Specifications
Thermal Top Finish.
The surface has been heated to remove imperfections, leaving a slip resistant, flat surface.
2 Stone Faces of Choice.
When produced at the quarry, the outside faces of your granite will have a distinct appearance and you have a choice of ‘Rock Faced’ or ‘Split Face’.
Split Faced. The granite is split using a hydraulic splitter to create a face that is course in texture.
Rock Faced. The granite is trimmed with a hammer and chisel to create a face that is more protruding and rocky.
Thickness of Stone. Steps and landings are gauged at 7″ thickness.
Sizes Available. Steps and Landings are 3′ to 8′ in length x 1′ to 4′ in width. Mailbox Posts are 7′ x 7″ x 7″ and Lamp Posts are 8′ x 7″ x 7″.
Sold By: Individual step (use listed sq. ft. price for estimating only)
Please keep in mind for the safety of you and our employees we cannot load anything (posts, steps, or treads) 4′ or longer into anything but an open pick-up truck or open trailer.