Landscapers Depot


Ridgeline Flagging

Naturally Flat & Consistent

This quality stone has natural earth tones that blend with any outdoor landscape or architectural style.

Origin of material:  From the hills of central Connecticut.

Color range:  The color can be silver/gray, shades of browns, mauve and natural earth tones.

Uses:  Available in multiple forms as an irregular flagstone, large and small, natural steps and steppers.

Material weight:  Approximately 1.5 tons per pallet.

Material size range:  1’-3’ lengths x 1’- 3’ widths. 1.5-3” thickness

Coverage area:  1 ton will yield approximately 60 sq. ft.

Sold by: weight

In-Stock: Yes

Prices are subject to change. Please call, 603-642-6677, for updated pricing. Thank you!


Consistent and flat. Color and glitter are due to the schist and mica content. Easy to move around.


Stone is a product of nature and some variations will occur. Photos and descriptions pertaining to color, shape, size or any other appearances are represented as closely as possible. 

Choosing product selections in person or via samples is recommended.